Wednesday, August 6, 2008

#3's almost done, too... and weirded out by the fact.

Unlike the other interns, I seem to be even busier as my end-date approaches! I have one week and one day left at my internship, and I still have so much I need to get done for the October issue. I just began working on a news section (to be vague) this week. I took all my work home with me so that I can get it done ASAP, so that next week can be spent completing a big fact-checking assignment I also need to complete. After that, I leave Atlanta to go back to school.

Now that I’m approaching the last week of my internship, I keep trying to come to grips with everything that’s happened this summer. I mean, it really was a HUGE summer for me. It was my first time moving away on my own, not including the big move to college (which was done in a structured environment and completely different from this move). It was also my very first magazine internship. Even though I worked at my college paper as an editor last year, this was really my first foray into professional journalism. This summer was a BIG, BIG, BIG deal, and it’s almost over.

It’s just so weird to think that I accomplished so much this summer. I mean that in the least pretentious way possible. I think it’s probably something all interns go through after their first time. I’ve learned so much; I’ve written so much. Heck, I even received a bouquet today from someone who appreciated the last feature I wrote! I came into this situation a wide-eyed, naïve student, and, although I still have a lot to learn, I’ll be leaving this internship a little bit wiser. I’m one step closer to graduating (IN MAY, AHHH!); one step closer to landing my dream magazine job.

This is so weird. It’s like I’m almost an adult or something.

--Ed’s Intern #3

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