Thursday, July 31, 2008

The beginning of the end

Let’s face it, edsters…summer’s almost over. And as if I didn’t already know that my time in the sun was slowly dwindling and my days at my internship were numbered, today confirmed it. My internship supervisor sent each of us summer interns an email asking for...our end dates.

The email also included a request to tidy up our areas so the new interns can have “clean work spaces”, and ended with a quick “thank you, we’ll miss you guys!”. I'll miss you guys, too! This is depressing.

Even more depressing? I overheard her interviewing someone for a fall internship position. It seems like just yesterday that I was the interviewee, reciting my rehearsed answers on why I wanted to work in magazines and how my previous experience makes me qualified to be an intern.

But as sad as it is knowing that some other girl is soon going to take over my cubicle and be chummy with my editors, the ending to my internship is bittersweet. On the one hand, I’m walking away with a big-name magazine internship on my resume, not to mention I’m one step closer to landing that coveted EA spot(I hope). But, in all honesty I’m going to miss this place. Sure, the commute was horrific, the above-the-line editors weren’t always nice, and getting all dolled up every morning (to impress the fashion editors) got old really quickly. But I've realized, ladies and gents, after 3 summers of interning, that that’s the life of a magazine intern for ya. And of course, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

As I end my internship and say sayanora to my editors, I’m ready to move onto the next chapter of my magazine life. Next stop: the masthead.

--Ed’s Intern #1

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