Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Change of Heart ... Too

Like one of my fellow EdIntern bloggers, I've had a semi-change of heart. As an art intern, I complete many of the same tasks which I complete for my art major at school. I'm constantly copying, scanning, photo-researching, and being generally busy as a beaver. I love art and I have an enormous appreciation for art as it relates to magazine editorial work. But ... I don't know if this is where I want to be.

Artists (specifically those who work in the magazine field) generally spend most, if not all, of their time at their computers. As an overachieving (underpaid) people person, I truly need to be in a more socially-driven profession. In the scheme of things, I'd love to be a creative director but I know that you have to pay your dues. I want the chance to handle the more managerial side of magazine design: scheduling/attending photoshoots, ordering prints, etc. But, like I said before, you MUST pay your dues. Unfortunately, my dues require my undivided attention to a computer screen for the next 5+ years. Goodie! (Note: my lack of enthusiasm for my imminent poor eyesight)

I feel like at this point in our lives we are supposed to be questioning everything we're doing. Right? I mean, I've had my mind set on this ONE specific position that I've never looked elsewhere for what the magazine world has to offer. I recently got a taste into what the life of a Special Projects coordinator does and I'm hooked. Working in 'Special Projects' gives you the chance to work on many different aspects of the magazines, especially if you magazine has many different special issues throughout the year (like Vogue's Age Issue or Time's 100 People of the Year). I wish I hadn't discovered this area so late or I would have definitely dabbled in it for this last summer. I'm graduating this upcoming year and I (hope) not to have any interning summers left. [Fingers crossed]

I encourage readers to look around. If you're wondering what that other fun-looking department in your magazine is like then you'll be wondering that for the rest of your life (or for at least the next couple of days, for sure!). Take the time to try it out or ask questions. Attend any meetings or seminars that you can! It's all about getting a well-rounded view of your magazine and then running with the department that makes you happiest.

How is everyone enjoying their internships? If you're not in an internship and currently looking for one, tell me about it. I want to hear about YOUR story. Give me the details, and I'll give you the down-low (or lowdown, whichever) on what you need to know to make it happen.

Total side note, I recently read Sloane Crosley's "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" -- HYSTERICAL! She is such a fantastic writer and if you get the chance, read it! (That is a huge plug for you, Sloane! Enjoy!) This is what the back of the book says,

"From accidentally despoiling an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History to siccing the cops on the wrong neighbor, Sloane Crosley can do no right, despite the best of intentions - or perhaps because of them. In a sharp, original storytelling style that confounds expectations at every turn, Crosley recounts her victories and catastrophes with an irresistible voice that is all her own, finding genuine insights in the most unpredictable places."

Until next time -- stay classy, Edsters.

Ed Intern No. 2

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