Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A glimpse of the busy magazine world

Today, I got formally introduced into the magazine world. Well, maybe not formally. But my very busy editor "welcomed" me into the industry with a profusely gushy email thanking me for my hard day's work, ending the note with a "welcome to magazine life!:)". Same thing, right?

Yes, fellow interns, today was one of the busiest days of my intern experience. While my editor was out on a photo shoot for the upcoming issue, I, myself, the only intern in the department, mind you, had to help out on the in-house photo shoot that was taking place in the magazine's studio. Who schedules two photo shoots on the same day, for the same department, with the same editor needing to be in attendance at both? Uh-oh.

But that's where I come in. I had products to unpack for the shoot I was at. I had other products to ship to the shoot that my editor was at. I had products to call in for next week's shoots. I had to keep checking the mail room and pestering the poor messengers on if and when my products arrived.

All the while, I was corresponding with my editor via phone and e-mail on what needs to be done and what products have already arrived, updating her, diligently, almost every hour. And on top of all this, I still had lots of things to take care of for the other editor whom I work for. Yikes.

It was exhausting. I was basically a pseudo-editor for the day, doing a million things at once, while still maintaining my cool and appearing professional and at ease. Now I realize how stressful this industry really is!

But no matter how stressful, this whole ordeal confirmed something for me; the magazine world is where I belong. It's sappy, cliche, and totally cheesy but it really is true. If I were going to have any busy, stressful, hustle-bustle career, it'd definitely be that of an editor.

Have a happy holiday weekend, edsters!
--Ed's Intern # 1


Carla Jean said...

Ahhhh, a million things at once. Welcome to it. :) It's a wonderful mix, but it'll keep you running!

Jessica Chu said...

congrats!! question, what department are you working in? fashion?

Melissa said...

congrats! i'm so glad things are going well! :)