Let’s face it interns--most of us are over-achievers and wanna-be workaholics (I mean, we wouldn’t have such a strong desire to be in this competitive biz if we weren’t).
As deadlines approach and we find ourselves working under editors under pressure, it’s so easy for that stress to trickle on down the mast-head; especially when the intern at the bottom is fiercely out to prove they have what it takes to succeed in this industry.
I had my first serious encounter today, when I made a call to my editor’s house to deliver print-outs from the Art Department for approval. He’d been up all night editing, thanks to a feature disaster. A free-lancer turned in an important piece late, and apparently managed to massacre it. Because of the set-back, he didn’t even have time to travel across town to the office and was working from home. And, throughout our 15-minute meeting, his Blackberry was going off like a smoke alarm.
I left feeling so anxious and tense, simply from being around someone who was under so much stress. “Wow. If my life goes as planned, that will be me in 10 years,” I thought to myself.
So, fellow interns (and hey, you too editors!), I’m dedicating this post to remind you all to r-e-l-a-x. Here are five nifty things to remember during those anguishing times, when items on the day’s To-Do list seem to outnumber the minutes in the day.
Realize, no matter how much of a disaster it seems, the world is not ending!
When you’re focused on an obstacle, or how to overcome it rather, it’s easy to forget there’s still a world going on around you. Unless the cover story is reporting the apocalypse, you still have hope! Step out into the sunshine (or rain), and ponder your dilemma while taking a breath of fresh air. There is a solution, and it will come to you… eventually.
Eat something.
Though stress-eating is an obvious no-no, neglecting food because you’re stressed about work is just as bad! Take a short walk to a juice bar, or sandwich shop and grab a wholesome, healthy snack. Personal suggestion: go simple and summer; enjoy a fresh avocado or mango. Those micronutrients will boost your energy and concentration levels, without making you feel bloated or guilty later.
Look back, and appreciate how far along you’ve come.
Whether you’ve gone from inexperienced student to intern, or worked your way to the top of the editorial ladder, chances are you’ve climbed where you are from a lower professional point. When you feel like you’re failing at your internship (or career), take a minute to appreciate the hard work that brought you where you are.
Apply small luxuries
Even though it’s hard on a salary of $0.00, it’s always nice when you show yourself how much you love you. I went for a massage at a student spa recently, and Wow! Definitely the best 12 pounds I’ve spent/ best single hour I’ve had since I’ve been in London. I went to work the next day feeling completely refreshed and ready to take on anything!
Alright, I know the spelling is off, but I thought you would all appreciate the catchy gimmick. Take a jog or go to the gym when you feel the work-load getting heavy. It’s easy to say you don’t have time to exercise, but it could actually increase your performance. The cardio will clear your mind and keep the stress at bay.
Well, if you find yourself having a tough day, I hope something here is useful. As always, feel free to chime in with your own comments/suggestions on coping with press stress. With a deadline approaching in two weeks, I could probably put them to good use!
Stay strong Edsters!
--Ed’s Intern #4
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