Friday, June 13, 2008

Encounters with Success

Any intern will tell you that as "exciting" and "rewarding" doing menial tasks (copying, coffee runs, etc.) are, they really aren't that exciting or that rewarding. The real rewards arise when you get your first BIG encounter with success. This can be your first published blurb, your first trip alone to Chanel (possibly in a towncar!), or you editor acknowledging what an amazing job you've done that week (hands up, all you super-interns!). In that moment, you feel on top of the world, or at least like Lauren Conrad from "The Hills" ... I bet you too could waltz into Peoples Revolution and land a job in a hot minute.

Well, today was my first encounter with success and it tasted oh-so-good. So lately, as an intern of the arts, I've been doing some somewhat menial jobs: copying, photo research, etc. But today was different. Today, I got assigned to do some of my "playing around with" of a big shoot for a major company. I got creative license over the text, layout, and photo choices. It was great. But wait, that's not the encounter. The encounter happened when the top dog (our major creative director) chose mine as one of the three option she would show the client!! And think ... something I designed is a choice for a major retail company's campaign.

After the meeting with the creative director went so well, I couldn't stop smiling. I was ready to jump into major decision-making and make final calls on selections. However, I came back down from space and held my tongue since I knew it was just an "intern high" I was experiencing. Anyway ... it was an absolutely amazing day. Plus, to top it all off, the weather has actually cooled down significantly since my last post. Yay!

I want to hear about your successes? Has anything happened in the past few weeks that would count as your "encounter with success"? Let me know!
—Ed's Intern #2

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